Pregnancy Week 6

As you carry your baby into the 6th week of pregnancy, a lot is happening within you, while it might not get reflected from the exterior. No one would find out that you are carrying, but you cannot miss the feeling of being pregnant. Thanks to the early symptoms which we discuss later in this article. The pregnancy hormone hCG causes increasing blood flow to the pelvic. Your kidneys work more now to get rid of the body waste. Now, the growing uterus is putting pressure on the bladder and you will be forced to visit the bathroom more often.

Developments in the 6th Week of Pregnancy: Now the embryo is less than one fifth of an inch and looks something like a human tadpole. The top part of the brain looks like a hollow stalk. On each side of the brain you will observe some small cups, the base of which form the eyeballs. The interior part of the cup, i.e. the skin cells develop into cornea and lens.

The heart of your little one is not bigger than a poppy seed. It beats now, and the red blood cells that are in the primitive stage circulate through the fetus and chronic villi. The connecting tube called the neutral tube, which connects the spinal cord and the brain closes at this time. One end of the neutral tube forms the brain and the other end forms the spinal cord.

While you are coping with the tough pregnancy symptoms, there are a lot of things you might feel good about. Your little one’s jaw, chin, eyes, nose, cheeks are starting to form and she is now on the way to get an adorable face. To add to this joy, her liver, lungs and kidneys are developing.

This is the most important time in the pregnancy as the development of your little one between 17 to 56 days, the embryo is susceptible to factors that hinder normal growth.

The heartbeats of your baby are about 80 times per minute and they get faster each day.

As you have confirmed about your pregnancy from a home pregnancy test, it will not hurt if you get it confirmed from a doctor. You will have a detailed physical examination, pelvic exam, pap smear, blood test, Rh factor. Get yourself tested for sexually transmitted diseases, genetic diseases, and immunity to German measles.

Some of the Symptoms are as follows:

Frequent Urination: Your uterus is putting pressure on your bladder and that will lead to frequent visits to the bathroom. You will feel the urge to urinate frequently. The kidneys are now getting more and more efficient in getting rid of the body waste.

Fatigue: As your baby is growing the fetus needs support to grow, you will get tired and feel exhausted. Your body might require a break, well, then take one for 5 minutes! But, do some exercise or yoga or take a walk.

Breast Tenderness: Your nipples will stick out more than do usually. They will get tender. Your body is getting ready for breast feeding, the areolas are now darker.

Vomiting and Nausea: You can combat this feeling by eating small snacks th

Pregnant at 6 week

Know about 6 week pregnancy.

at have proteins like cheese or yogurt.

Indigestion, bloating and increased sense of smell are some of the other symptoms. More on click here